Impact of the Draft Measures on Outbound Data Assessment
The Cyberspace Administration of China (the "CAC") issued the Measures for Security Assessment of Cross-border Data Transfer (Draft) (in Chinese “数据出境安全评估办法(征求意见稿)”) (the "Draft Measures") on October 29, 2021.1 This article aims at providing a background to the Draft Measures, its key provisions, and the potential impact it may have on enterprises.
Author:Shihui Partners | Raymond Wang | Jeanette Wang
The Draft Measures are the CAC’s third attempt at building a comprehensive mechanism for cross-border data transfer. The previous attempts were in 2017 through the Measures for Evaluating the Security of Transferring Personal Information and Important Data Overseas (Draft) (in Chinese “个人信息和重要数据出境安全评估办法(征求意见稿)”) and later the Measures for Security Assessment for Cross-border Transfer of Personal Information (Draft) (in Chinese “个人信息出境安全评估办法(征求意见稿)”). 2 The Draft Measures will harmonize the requirements under the CSL and DSL and offers much desired clarification on the security reviews, the governmental department responsible for overseeing security assessments, and what procedures companies must complete to get clearance for the offshore transfer of both important data and personal information.
Scope of Cross-Border
Triggers for Security Assessments
the legality, propriety and necessity of the cross-border transfer/processing conducted by the data recipient outside the PRC; the volume, scope, type and sensitivity of the data to be transferred, and the potential risks to national security, public interests and the legitimate interests of individual and corporations; whether the data protection laws and regulations of the data recipient’s jurisdiction, the capability of the security of the data recipient, and whether the protections provided by the data recipient satisfy PRC laws and standards and whether the recipient has sufficient means and capabilities to fulfil such duties; the risk of data leakage, damage, corruption, loss, or misuse; and whether the data transfer agreement adequately allocates relevant responsibilities for data protection.
Security Assessment Procedure
the legality, propriety and necessity of the transfer; the data protection laws of the data recipient’s jurisdiction, and whether the protections and security provided by the data recipient are adequate to satisfy those under PRC laws and regulations; the volume, scope, type and sensitivity of the data being transferred and the risk of leakage, damage, corruption, loss and misuse; whether the data transfer agreement adequately allocates responsibilities for data protection; compliance with Chinese laws, administrative regulations, and departmental regulations by the data processor; and other matters that are deemed necessary by the CAC.
changes in fundamental aspects of the cross-border data transfer: any change to the purpose, method, range and variety regarding the data to be provided overseas, or the purpose and method regarding the data processing by the overseas receiving party, or the extension of the period for overseas storage of personal information and important data; changes in data protection environment (law, control or contract): any change to the legal environment of the country or region where the overseas receiving party is located, or the actual control of the data processor or overseas receiving party, or the contract between the data processor and the overseas receiving party, which may affect the security of the data provided overseas; or other circumstances that may affect the security of the data provided overseas.
Data Transfer Agreement
the purpose, method and scope of the cross-border transfer; the location where the data will be stored outside of the PRC and how long the transferred data will be retained and how the data will be dealt with after the expiration of the retention period, termination of the data transfer agreement, or when the purpose of processing has been met; provisions restricting disclosure and transfer of the data to third parties; the security measures to be taken in the event of a material change to the data recipient’s business or if the data recipient does not have the means or capabilities to satisfy its duties; liability for breach of contractual security responsibilities; a binding and enforceable dispute resolution provision; and data recipient to respond and safeguard the rights and interests of the data subjects (if personal information is involved) in the event of a data leak or other breach.
Companies should take into consideration the timeline to prepare and complete a security assessment for any project planning since there are no existing exemptions. We anticipate that in the near future, other detailed rules and regulations on the cross-border data transfer security management will continue to be released intermittently to create a more comprehensive security management regime for cross-border data transfer. In the meantime, companies are advised to gear up and align their policies with those under the Draft Measures. In this regard, we would be pleased to share with you our experience and understanding on this topic on an ongoing basis.
参考资料:1.The deadline for public comments is set at November 28, 2021.2.It should be noted that the Measures supersedes and replaces these two drafts.3.Application should be made through the provincial cyberspace administration.4.According to the DSL, local governments and industry departments should determine the specific catalog of important data in their regions or industries. We also understand that local governments and industry departments have been working on drafting important data catalogs.5.It is not clear what qualifies as “cumulative.” We understand that since the declaration assessment has a validity period of two years, data processors should nonetheless proceed with a declaration assessment if they expect their cumulative transferred data over the course of two years to meet the threshold based on their internal historical operational data.
6.See Article 8 of the Draft Measures.
Raymond Wang |
Raymond focuses on cybersecurity and data protection and frequently advises leading multinational and domestic technology companies and ministries and local governments with respect to legislative and regulatory programs.
Raymond sits on the expert panel for the ICC’s Data Governance Working Group and the B20 Organization Compliance Working Group. He is one of the key authors of the monograph “International Comparative Study on Personal Information Protection" and “Data Service Framework". He has published many articles, reports and translation works in the field of personal information protection, and also has taught courses related to data protection and cyber law in Peking University and Tsinghua University.
He was listed as one of the 2021 ALB China Top 15 Lawyers in TMT area by Asian Legal Business and as "Leading lawyer in data protection area" by The Legal 500 ranking institution. The awards he has gained also include Lawyers of the Year in Cybersecurity areas by 2021 China Law & Practice and China Top 15 Lawyers– Cybersecurity and Data Protection (Tier one) by LEGALBAND in 2019, 2020 and 2021.
Jeanette Wang |
Jeanette’s main areas of practices are in M&A, PE/VC, foreign direct investment cybersecurity and data compliance.
Jeanette has assisted across the broad spectrum corporate work including domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and advised investors and conglomerates such as KKR, Blackstone, Tencent, JD, Haier, Office Depot and Swiss Post in such transactions. She also assisted many venture capital funds and start-ups in several rounds of private equity/venture capital investment and financing transactions. Her track record spans a vast range of sectors, including pharmaceutical & healthcare, TMT, manufacturing, automobile and new energy, chemical engineering, real estate, commercial retails, banking and finance.
Jeanette has also assisted multinational corporations in their various cybersecurity and data protection issues, including data security inspection and assessment, establishment of data compliance system and dealing with government inspection and security incidents. She also provides advice to clients in general corporate matters. Her list of clients includes GE, Richemont, Thermo Fisher, Burberry, Chanel, Danaher, Volvo, PEPSI and Abbott.
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